Level of Fees and ChargesBased on your experience in international logistics, please select the options that best describe the operational logistics environment in your country of work Percent of respondents answering high/very high
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Quality of InfrastructureEvaluate the quality of trade and transport related infrastructure (e.g. ports, roads, airports, information technology) in your country of work Percent of respondents answering low/very low
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Competence and Quality of ServicesEvaluate the competence and quality of service delivered by the following in your country of work Percent of respondents answering high/very high
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Efficiency of ProcessesEvaluate the efficiency of the following processes in your country of work Percent of respondents answering often or nearly always
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Sources of Major DelaysHow often in your country of work, you experience Percent of respondents answering often or nearly always
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Changes in the Logistics Environment Since 2005Since 2005, have the following factors improved or worsened in your country of work Percent of respondents answering improved or much improved
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