

    Performance Governance System (PGS)

    • The PGS is a local adaptation of the Balanced Scorecard which tracks performance using critical measures to ensure organizational reform. The PGS allows for multi-sector participation in translating the institutional vision into executable strategies and realizable initiatives.
    • Progress on the PGS is measured in four stages: initiation, compliance, proficiency, and institutionalization. The table below shows the list of national government agencies enrolled in the PGS.


    *As of October 2014


    Public Governance Forum

    • Organized twice a year, the Public Governance Forum provides a venue for public and private institutions to present their scorecards before a multi-sector panel composed of senior business and government executives, as well as NGO representatives who are tasked to evaluate performance and provide recommendations.


    Islands of Good Governance

    • This initiative seeks to showcase breakthrough performance results of both public and private institutions. The results will be certified by external auditors and will be presented during the 2015 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in the Philippines.